“Play is the work of a child” and Play is hard work. Indeed, there has been ample research in the recent past that has firmly established the correlation between children, play and learning.
Our own research into various forms of play, have led us to use different colors, textures, designs and materials in an effort to enhance the play experience of a child. Read on for more information on the different forms of play and their benefits for children.
Children can be involved in more than one form of play at any time. While children may show preferences for one type of play, it is important that they experience a variety of types to support their learning and development across the four themes of Well-being, Identity and Belonging, Communicating, Exploring and Thinking.
- Solitary play – The child plays alone.
- Spectator play – The child watches others playing without joining in.
- Parallel play – The child plays side by side with another child, often with similar materials, but without interacting.
- Associative/partnership play – Children begin to play together, developing interactions through doing the same activities or playing with similar equipment or by imitating.
- Co-operative play – Children interact, take turns, share and decide how and what to play. They collaborate, develop, and negotiate ideas for their play.
The above information provides the approach for us to plan and create opportunities for such play. The environment needs to provide children with the support, props, time, and space to develop their play. This role involves many dimensions which includes allowing space for adult supervision.
Since the environment influences how and what children play, well-resourced, well-planned and predictable indoor and outdoor spaces help children develop in a well-rounded manner.
Our vision to change the way this world plays, has its roots set in the simplest needs of a child. Providing safe spaces for children to experience such forms of play, has been our driving force since inception. Research, Development and attention to detail in the Manufacturing and Installation phases is of prime focus throughout.
Explore our website for a full range of playground equipment, outdoor fitness equipment and safety flooring. All our products are certified to meet the highest international standards of child safety.